We are now running digital skills and computer classes at Broomhall Centre (a short 10-15 minute walk from Learn for Life) where they have a big open hall. If you would like to join, or know someone who would benefit, please enrol by clicking here.

We are now running digital skills and computer classes at Broomhall Centre (a short 10-15 minute walk from Learn for Life) where they have a big open hall. If you would like to join, or know someone who would benefit, please enrol by clicking here.
Do you know of a family that needs help getting online? We are distributing FREE tablets with 24GB data from next week to families with 2 or more children. Please use this link to refer families to the scheme: https://forms.gle/EryEwXDLGQsTaBVj9
Check out our Get Online Week Star, Olivier who has seen his improved digital skills help him develop his English and move onto further learning and qualifications. You can read more about him here and watch his interview below. We will be holding #Try1Thing events on Monday 15th and Thursday 18th October during Get Online Week from 12 – 3.
New Digital Skills FREE Training Course for all our students and staff
This course, created by Google, will help you to find out and understand the opportunities of the digital world and the Internet from a job/company/business perspective.
Having these basic skills and knowledge in your background is essential in today’s world and are important to get a job or to create your own business.
What it is:
How to set up a website for selling products, how to use Facebook to promote products and keep in contact with customers, how advertisement works in a search engine like Google, which are the new ways to find, engage and retain customers, how to measure every action taken on the Internet…are only a few examples of the interesting and useful topics in this course.
Why you should do it:
Nowadays, all companies have a digital presence on the Internet. Almost all employees/staff are required to take part of it. And this course teaches you the basic digital skills required by companies in any job position. Start the Digital Garage, finish it and obtain an impressive digital certification form Google for your C.V.
How it works:
We offer you one hour and fifteen minutes of free assisted guidance to get started, go through the first eight lessons and acquire the basic knowledge to understand how works the course and the digital platform . Watch videos from experts; test what you have learnt with fun and quick quizzes. After the introduction class you will be able to continue by yourself, on your phone or any computer.
Who should do it:
Job seekers, students, for those who want to get started and taste the digital world from the business perspective, sharpen their skills or simply get their CV / Resume noticed!
To join contact info@learnforlifeenterprise.com or 0114 255 90 80 or ask at reception
We are facilitating a new 6 week computer course starting on 11th January. It is for complete beginners who need help with computer basics. If you’d like to join or know someone who would benefit please contact us at info@learnforlifeenterprise.com or 01142559080.
We will be starting a 6 week computer course on 11th January from 1 – 3 at Sharrow Forum. It is being taught by the team at Online Centres Network. To join contact 01142559080 or email info@learnforlifeenterprise.com
We were very happy to welcome Helen Milner, CEO of the Tinder Foundation, to Learn for Life today for our Get Online Week event. There was lots of great talking, yummy cake made by Lucia and people enjoyed playing the new Learn My Way game. Get Online Week brings communities together!
We are starting a 10 week Level 1 IT course on 9th May. The class will be every Monday from 1 – 3. It will be £10 for those in receipt of benefits and £70 for those who are working. If you would like to join email us at: info@learnforlifeenterprise.com
Learn for Life Enterprise is pleased to announce we have been awarded funding from the Tinder Foundation through the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) to deliver the Future Digital Skills programme.
As part of the programme we will be supporting people to improve their Digital Skills. Our Digital Champions will be on hand every day at Learn for Life to help you improve your IT, online skills and access government services.
Come down to Learn for Life or phone us on 01142559080 to arrange an appointment.
If you would like to volunteer to help people get online, please email hayley@learnforlifeenterprise.com
Learn for Life Enterprise was one of only two organisations chosen from over 500 community organisations across the UK to take part in the ‘Celebrating Success English My Way’ video. The video was shown last week at the BBC Broadcasting House in London and was met with a fantastic response from English My Way funders and stakeholders.
You can watch the English My Way celebrating success video below featuring an interview with Hayley and an ESOL class led by Gill and Daniel at Learn for Life Enterprise.