Trips Archives

Kelham Island Museums at Night performance

Our guitar and songwriting group / the other people’s choir performed at Kelham Island on 16th May as part of “Museums at Night”



We took an ESOL class on a walk to look at Jessica Ennis’s Gold Post Box, dropping by the dodgems on the way…


Weston Park Museum visit

We went on a visit to Weston Park Museum:

Botanical Gardens Trip

One of the ESOL classes took a trip to the Botanical Gardens:

Library visit

Here are a few photographs from our visit to Highfield Library:

Visiting local parks

Here are a few photos from our visit to local parks in Sheffield:

Yorkshire Wildlife Park

WYSA visited Yorkshire Wildlife Park:

Chatsworth visit

Thanks to funding from King Ecgberts School some of our new refugee families and ESOL class got to go on a trip to Chatsworth: