Our new project, Future Perfect, is part of Active Communities which is funded by People’s Health Trust using money raised by Health Lottery Yorkshire and Humber.
Active Communities supports people to create and shape local projects that will help their community or neighbourhood to become even better. Active Communities projects aim to develop social links and ties and support residents to discuss and act on things that are important to them.
Our project will empower refugees in Sheffield to take control of their own career paths. We will educate them about UK culture and the employability skills needed to succeed in the UK job market. If you are a refugee in Sheffield who would like support please get in touch by emailing info@learnforlifeenterprise.com or phoning 01142559080 or dropping into the centre.
People’s Health Trust is an independent charity investing in local neighbourhoods to help create a society without health inequalities. It works closely with each of the regional and country lotteries raising money through The Health Lottery, and distributes grants.

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